Choosing the correct hosting plan:

Not sure if your plan will have enough resources? Take a look at our resource allocation per account below, please note these are subject to change.


  • CPU/Speed2 CPU (5.6GHz)
  • Memory/RAM2GB
  • INODE/File Limit150,000
  • Entry Processes60
  • NProc/Number of Processes100
  • Disk IO2MB/s
  • IOPS1024
$ 6.95 p/m$ 57.06 per year
(save $ 8.34)


  • CPU/Speed2 CPU (5.6GHz)
  • Memory/RAM2GB
  • INODE/File Limit150,000
  • Entry Processes60
  • NProc/Number of Processes100
  • Disk IO2MB/s
  • IOPS1024
$ 8.95 p/m$ 85.92 per year
(save $ 21.48)


  • CPU/Speed3 CPU (8.4GHz)
  • Memory/RAM3GB
  • INODE/File Limit200,000
  • Entry Processes100
  • NProc/Number of Processes200
  • Disk IO3MB/s
  • IOPS1024
$ 10.95 p/m $ 105.12 per year
(save $ 26.28)


  • CPU/Speed4 CPU (11.2GHz)
  • Memory/RAM4GB
  • INODE/File Limit400,000
  • Entry Processes150
  • NProc/Number of Processes300
  • Disk IO4MB/s
  • IOPS1024
$ 14.95 p/m $ 143.52 per year
(save $ 35.88)


  • CPU/Speed5 CPU (14GHz)
  • Memory/RAM5GB
  • INODE/File Limit500,000
  • Entry Processes200
  • NProc/Number of Processes400
  • Disk IO5MB/s
  • IOPS1024
$ 19.95 p/m $ 179.55 per year
(save $ 59.85)

All packages come with...

What is CPU/Speed Limit?

Speed is the amount of processing that your account can use at any one time.
What happens when you try use more than allocated? Processes are simply throttled to stay at the speed limit.

What is Memory/RAM Limit?

Memory is the amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) your account can use at any one time
What happens if you try to use more than allocated? Some of the processes will be killed off to free up Memory to keep you under the limit. This may cause your site to show 500 or 503 error pages.

What is INODE/File Limit?

An INODE is a file and every account as a maxiumum file limit. We have set this very high and do not expect this to be hit under normal website usage.
What happens if you hit your INODE Limit? You will not be able to write files to your account, this includes receiving emails, as each email is a file.

What is NProc/Number of Processes?

NPROC controls the total number of processes and threads within the account. Once the limit is reached, no new process can be created (until another one dies). Your site might return 500 or 503 errors in such case

What is Disk IO?

Disk IO (Disk Input/Output) is disk read/write. When limit is reached, the processes are throttled (put to sleep). This makes sure that processes within the account cannot go over the limit, yet don't stop working, nor getting killed -- they just work slower when the limit is reached.

What is IOPS?

IOPS limits restrict the total number of read/write operations per second. When the limit is reached the read/write operations stop until current second expires.